General Assembly of the Estates of Precarity

This is an invitation to the General Assembly of the Estates of Precarity, which will be held on 9-10 October 2010 in Milan, organized by the MayDay movement under the auspices of San Precario.

Two days of debate on generational unemployment, temporary work, migrant labor, job insecurity, gender discrimination and social
rights. We want to discuss strategies for a fall offensive against austerity in workplaces and urban spaces. We want to invent new ways of action against precarity to reclaim our future in Europe and beyond!

The General Assembly will consist of seminars and workshops to reflect together but also to exchange ideas, tactics, innovations and ideas related to precarity and labor.

The meeting is born out of a decade of activism on these issues by Mayday Milano Crew and is open to radical collectives, labor,  media, noborder activists, union delegates, civil rights lawyers, and to all precarious and insecure women and men: propose a workshop or an intervention to share your ideas, practice, tactics, the campaign you want. Or simply come to the Etates General and have your say.

Here are the themes that we will develop together:

– Make’em Pay: The effects of the crisis and deflation on precarious classes
– Welfare for life! What rights do we want? For a campaign that seeks to guarantee of income and access to services to all the precarious
generation of europe
– Acting on the ground. Tools and alliances to launch labor conflicts and disputes in our territories
– New forms of organization for precarioius employees. Here comes the new union?
– Cash&  Crash. From boycotts to legal actions, strikes and the precarious conspiracy: how to deal with a company?
– Be your media. San Precario, social networking and subvertising etc. Old and new forms of communication
– Camera, Action! Flash mobs, Maydays, picketing, propaganda poster etc.  Creativity is the weapon of the precariat
– Re/Gendering. We want to continue our reflection on patriarchal violence, queer power, gender stereotypes, and much more
– PrecariUS. Arguments and suggestions from the precarious audience

The General Assembly will be held in Milan on 9-10 October 2010 at ARCI Bellezza, via Bellezza 16A

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